Identity Unveiled



’The visage perceived by others, it establishes a passage to transcend the outer world from the enclosed inner-self.’

Emmanuel Levinas


I was recently part of a group exhibition that took place at the the GlogauAIR artist residency, in Berlin. The exhibition ‘Identity Unveiled’ looked into how we can balance our role within the social system whilst discovering our identity with the question ‘how connected to the ‘Self’ are people willing to be?’

The exhibition was curated by Uncoated, which provides emerging photographers a platform to shine a photographic light on the struggle of defining one’s identity. Uncoated is a new, Berlin-based platform for contemporary photography that supports photographers by organizing socially relevant exhibitions throughout Europe.

In today’s society addictions, suicide rates, burnouts and interest in self-help books are increasing exponentially. Curator Josephine de Fijter researched into this phenomenon for 2 years and talked with numerous people. The result? Almost everyone she encountered struggles with the subject of identity in their own personal way. By hosting this exhibition, De Fijter hoped to create a starting point for raising awareness on the subject of identity. 

Participating artists:

✫ Inez Agnese

✫ Carla Cabanas

✫ Matthew Coleman

✫ Tom Hegen

✫ Bruna Mayer

For the show I created an installation titled ‘out of the void they came to dream’, which used sound frequencies, water, and a projector, to have each of the pictures emerge across the vibrating surface. Some of the works included for this installation /
